Indian TV Czarina Ekta Kapoor is indeed a woman of steel. Despite getting threats from Hindu radical outfit Bajrang Dal, who are opposing Ragini MMS 2's lead actress Sunny Leone's visit to Indore, Ekta is determined to still go to that city for promotions. Ekta is unfazed by the threats and will take Sunny and other actors to the city for promotions.
A Mid-Day report says that Bajrang Dal activists are objecting the former adult movie star's visit to the city. They are reportedly threatening the owner of a mall where the Ragini MMS 2 team is supposed to promote the film. However, Ekta is not budging and has decided to go and promote the movie in Indore as planned.
Quoting the producer, the report says that Indore is an important market and she wants to connect with the people of the city. She has ensured that security will be in place for the entire team when they are there to talk about their movie.