In a tragic incident that unfolded in Australia, a father and grandfather drowned in a hotel pool while trying to save a two-year-old, who fell into the water.
According to international media reports, a tragic incident occurred on Sunday, (March 31), Dharmvir Singh, 38, and his 65-year-old father Gurjinder Singh jumped into the pool at the Top of the Mark Holiday Apartments after Dharmvir’s two-year-old child slipped into the water.
During this time, bystanders pulled them out of the water and attempted to save them via CPR until emergency medical assistance arrived. However, tragically, both individuals suffered cardiac arrests on the spot.
Read more: Viral: Super mom saves son from drowning in swimming pool
The child’s mother also jumped into the water after her daughter, but both were rescued and taken to the hospital.
Mitchell Ware from Queensland Ambulance Service said it was an “extremely emotional scene”.
“Obviously, anyone could understand that not just to lose one family member but to lose two family members,” he said
They warned the public to be cautious when children are around water and to take precautions while swimming.