Led by Punjab counter-terrorism department’s Additional Inspector-General Muhammad Tahir Rai, the members of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) include Deputy Director-General, Lahore, of Intelligence Bureau Mohammed Azim Arshad and military intelligence officer Lieutenant-Colonel Irfan Mirza.
Inspector Shahid Tanveer, a Punjab police officer based in Gujranwala, is the fifth member of the team.
Visa has also been issued to the investigation team. According to sources, the investigators wont be allowed to visit sensitive installations.
The Indian media reports that the team will be taken to Pathankot in a BSF aircraft on Tuesday, but they won’t land inside the airbase.
Investigators will only be taken to the “limited area relevant to the investigation”. The airbase had been “visually barricaded”. “The most important meetings from India’s point of view will be on Wednesday.
India had previously blamed militants of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) for the assault on Pathankot air base in Punjab on January 2, which triggered two days of gunbattles, leaving over seven people dead.