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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tag: Immigration

Immigration staff not to re-check travel documents at airports

The relevant authorities have taken notice of the complaints raised by the passengers regarding the misuse of regulations devised for special checking of travel documents at the country's airports.

Google announces to pay fees of about 500 young immigrants to US

Google said on Wednesday it would pay for the application fees of about 500 young immigrants seeking employment under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program

EU chief set to unveil asylum policy

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said immigration policy must recognise “that each human being has a solemn diginity”.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s son stopped from going abroad

The FIA immigration officials offloaded Abdullah due to the presence of his name on stop list of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

Two-year-old among fifteen found squeezed into truck bound for US

Police have rescued 15 people dangerously jammed into a truck to try to sneak into the United States

Trump says to ban immigration as US protestors demand lockdown end

In just four months, the virus has turned the world upside down, confining half the planet indoors and killing nearly 170,000 on its march through virtually every country.

Critics slam UK’s post-Brexit immigration plans

The points-based system is due to start on January 1, 2021, and was billed as "taking back control" of Britain's borders

UK police say 39 found dead in truck were Chinese

Emergency workers made the grisly discovery on early Wednesday inside the refrigerated container of a truck parked in an industrial area east of London

French president signals tougher line on immigration

Macron said that his centrist Republic on the Move (LREM) party risked being seen as "bourgeois" unless it tackles the issue of immigration

Employees urge Google not to work with US immigration officials

Hundreds of Google employees on Wednesday called on the internet titan to avoid working for US immigration officials until they stop "engaging in human rights abuses."

Trump gets ‘big victory’ on border wall

“Wow! Big VICTORY on the Wall. The United States Supreme Court overturns lower court injunction, allows Southern Border Wall to proceed. Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!” Trump tweeted

Alan Kurdi picks up another 44 migrants off Libya

The migrant rescue boat Alan Kurdi has saved another 44 people, including women and infants from their stricken vessel in the Mediterranean

Trump says immigration raids coming ‘fairly soon’

“They’ll be starting fairly soon, but I don’t call them raids, we’re removing people, all of these people who have come in over the years illegally,” he told reporters at the White House

US deports 37 refugees after criminal convictions

Thousands of Cambodian refugees started new lives in the United States after fleeing the Khmer Rouge’s 1975-1979 reign of terror

Trump immigration proposal may mean sick kids lose health benefits

Children born in the U.S. are citizens and eligible for health and other public benefits even when their parents are not citizens

Images of drowned migrant and 2-year-old child stir outrage

Twenty-five-year-old Oscar Martinez Ramirez fled El Salvador with his 21-year-old wife and their daughter and decided to make the risky crossing from Mexico to the US on Sunday afternoon

US quarantines 5,200 migrants over mumps and chicken pox exposure

US authorities said Friday they had placed 5,200 detained migrants into quarantine, mainly over exposure to mumps

Mexico publishes Trump’s ‘secret deal’ on migration

Trump had waved the one-page document in front of reporters Tuesday to fend off critics who said he had in fact extracted little in the way of new commitments from Mexico with his tariff threats

Indian girl dies of heat stroke as mother sought water

A six-year-old girl from India died of heat stroke in an Arizona desert after her mother left her with other migrants to go in search of water

Fifth Guatemalan child dies in US immigration custody

A 16-year-old boy died Monday at a Border Patrol station in Texas, becoming the fifth child from Guatemala to die since December after being apprehended by US border patrol agents