Facebook confirmed Monday it was not invited to the White House event. Twitter offered no comment but several media reports said it too was excluded from the event.
The federal government would replicate this initiative at a national level and share it with other provinces to boost tourist activities across the country.
Huawei sued the US government in early March, in a complaint filed in federal court in Texas, saying that a law limiting its American business was unconstitutional.
“You can’t just create a coin and expect it to fly. You have to base it on the proper blockchain, have it structured such that it meets the specific needs of a country or economic situation,” says McAfee
Sonamtso, a campaigns director for Students for a Free Tibet who goes by one name, said at the meeting on behalf of SumOfUs that Alphabet is too big to manage.
Hundreds of orange robots zoom and whiz back and forth like miniature bumper cars -- but instead of colliding, they're following a carefully plotted path to transport thousands of items
If you see a video of a politician speaking words he never would utter, don't adjust your television set-- you may just be witnessing the future of "fake news"
British scientists are developing gene-edited chickens designed to be totally resistant to flu in a new approach to trying to stop the next deadly human pandemic
Tech companies could face fines of up to Aus$10 million if they fail to hand over customer information or data to Australian police under tough cyber laws.
Apple became the first private company to exceed $1 trillion in market capitalization. Here is a look at the world's five biggest companies by stock market value.