WhatsApp users face a huge problem when they try to send messages to an unknown phone number. The users have to save the number on their cellphones first, in order to send a message via WhatsApp.
But these WhatsApp hack tricks you can message and chat with people who aren’t on your phone’s contact list without saving their phone numbers.
With WhatsApp’s click to chat function, the users can start a conversation with someone even if their phone number isn’t recorded on their cellphones. The users willing to send messages to unknown numbers have to build a link that will allow them to start a chat with any individual if you know their phone number and they have an active WhatsApp account.
After clicking on the link, you’ll be sent to a WhatsApp conversation with the person. It’s worth noting that WhatsApp’s click-to-chat feature works on both your phone and the WhatsApp Web.
How to create the link?
Use the URL https://wa.me/number>, where number> is a complete phone number in international format. After adding the phone number in international format, leave out any zeros, brackets, or dashes.
Make your own link with a message already written for you.
In a chat, the pre-filled message will appear instantly in the text field. Use https://wa.me/whatsappphonenumber?text=urlencodedtext, where whatsappphonenumber is the URL-encoded pre-filled message and urlencodedtext is the whole phone number in international format.
Example: https://wa.me/1XXXXXXXXXX?text=I‘m%20interested%20in%20your%20car%20for%20sale
Use https://wa.me/?text=urlencodedtext to make a link with merely a pre-filled message.
Example: https://wa.me/?text=I‘m%20inquiring%20about%20the%20apartment%20listing`
Following your click on the link, you will be presented with a list of people to whom you can send your message.
Additionally, WhatsApp users should be aware that the method for generating your own chat link is the same for both Android and iPhones.