The dancers of the world rejoice as World Dance Day is being celebrated today.
The objective of World Dance Day is to promote variety of dances and to preserve the dancing cultures of different nations.
On this day, several events and dance shows are organized to aware the people about traditional dances.
It is said that dancing is the poetry of the body and the dancers can tell an entire story through their recitals.
After the partition, Pakistani dancers not only gave mesmerising performances in private and cultural programs but also gave immense contributions in the film industry as well.
The art, however, suffered a setback in the 80s in the country when obscurantist policies of the government were implemented, which discouraged dance as an art form.
However, the dance has now started to emerge in Pakistan and a new crop of the dancers coming up. The art has revived with immense contributions from maestros such as Sheema Kirmani, Nighat Chaudhry and many others.
Folk dancing also holds an important place in our culture as such dances reflect the spirit of the people of the country.
So let us dance today to pay tribute to the ancient art that has survived many lows in our society.