According to details, Chaudhry Nisar held a press conference on Sunday at the Punjab House and informed media personnel that India did not object to the visit of the Pakistani Special Investigation Team (SIT). He also revealed that India had set forth only one condition, which was to inform them five days prior to the SIT’s visit. Nisar also said during his press conference that it was necessary to register an FIR against the Pathankot incident, owing to verification of the information that India had handed over to Pakistan as well as fulfilling a couple of legal requirements.
Regarding a question as to whether Pakistani investigators would be allowed to visit and inspect the Pathankot airbase, Chaudhry Nisar did not answer. He also said that a few arrests had been made related to the Pathankot attack however investigations were being carried out to determine if a link could be established with the names that India had provided to Pakistan or whether the phone numbers were really used by the arrested individuals to remain in contact with militants.
“These (phone) numbers have been made part of the FIR, further investigations will be held on the basis of this FIR,” said the Federal Interior Minister.
Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar advised caution to the media and refused to divulge into details regarding the arrested individuals, stating that it was sensitive information. He regretted how the media had aired false information regarding an arrested suspect, which caused other wanted militants to go underground. He said the investigation would be carried out based on facts and in accordance with the law. Chaudhry Nisar also informed those in attendance that evidence collected in relation to the case would be shared with the media.