“Innocence is thought charming because it offers delightful possibilities for exploitation,” rightly worded together by an American aphorist, as for when worldly troubles corner you, you capitulate no matter how strong or nice or innocent you may be. Same holds true for this Lahore’s Mall Road joker.
Selling toys and spreading joys on Lahore streets is this woman who sports a joker mask to only make enough in the daily toiling that she can barely afford staple food and mandatory medicine for her ailing mother.
Her father and brother died survived by this brave yet broken woman and her mother both of whom depend on whatever little she can make over a day of grinding in the streets to make people laugh so they ‘generously’ hand out alms.
“Once I hardly accumulated Rs800 after a day of playing out tricks but then while walking back home, someone snatched my bag from me and ran away,” she recalled her one of many most tragic stories. “It completely shattered me. How I was supposed to get medicines for my mom now?”
Meet Aansoo Bai Kolhi who is determined to eradicate illiteracy from her village
She admitted playing through the roads of Lahore has been the only option available to her for she would not resort to selling her body to get her bread. “It’s easy and I have been pitted with these ideas myself but I choose to do this instead.”
After what life has put us through, I came to a conclusion that even begging is not a big deal and I can do that in order to survive the turbulence for my terminally ailing mother and myself.