CJP Jamali addressing the opening ceremony of the Judicial Year 2016-17 at Supreme Court premises in Islamabad said that some political parties are backing terrorists to further their party interests.
The chief justice said that efforts are being made to create an impression of confrontation among the state institutions.
He urged the state institutions to work within their constitutional limits. In view of the changing situation the institutions have to work jointly, he said.
Chief Justice Jamali denounced attacks on judiciary and said that the institution of justice being made target of terrorism.
He said the court has taken suo-moto notice of the incidents of terrorism.
The Chief Justice of Pakistan said it is necessary for the good governance that the institutions not to cross their constitutional jurisdiction.
The Judges of Supreme Court, Attorney-General of Pakistan, law officers of the federation and provinces, Pakistan Bar Council Vice Chairman and Supreme Court Bar Association President and a large number of lawyers were present in the ceremony.
The objective of the ceremony is to make a determination for meeting the challenges faced by the judiciary.