Filmmaker Karan Johar slammed an Indian comedy show for mimicking him in “exceptionally poor taste.”
Taking to Instagram, Johar said that he was not angry but saddened by the act on a reputed TV channel which according to him mimicked him in poor taste.
Without disclosing the name of the show or the actor, he said that a comic was mimicking him in the promo of a reality show as he was sitting and watching television with his mom.
“A comic was mimicking me in exceptionally poor taste… I expect this from trolls and faceless and nameless people but when your own industry can disrespect someone who has been in the business for over 25 years it speaks volumes about the times we live in… this doesn’t even anger me it just makes me sad!” he wrote.
Social media users were quick to begin guessing the name of the comedian who according to Karan Johar insulted him.
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However, comedian Kettan Singh expressed his apology in a statement to an Indian media outlet.
“First of all, whatever impersonation I do because I watch a lot of Karan Johar on the coffee show, I am a fan of his work. If my actions hurt him, I would like to apologize to him,” he said.
Singh maintained that it was not his intention to hurt the filmmaker as he only wanted to entertain the audience.