Canada's government introduced legislation Monday to implement a "national freeze" on the sale and purchase of handguns as part of a gun-control package that...
The Democrat called on the Senate to approve two bills passed by the House of Representatives on March 11 that would broaden background checks on gun buyers.
WASHINGTON: The nine-year-old granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr. made a rousing appearance at a huge protest for gun control in Washington on Saturday,...
WASHINGTON: U.S. President Donald Trump would sign a bill aimed at preventing school violence like the mass shooting that killed 17 people in Florida...
WASHINGTON: Dozens of teenaged survivors of the second deadliest public school shooting in U.S. history marched on Florida’s capital on Wednesday to ask lawmakers...
WASHINGTON: The U.S. Senate on Monday rejected four measures restricting gun sales after last week's massacre in an Orlando nightclub, dealing a bitter setback to advocates who have failed to get even modest gun curbs through Congress despite repeated mass shootings.
WASHINGTON: A long-running battle over gun control in the United States reaches a critical stage next week in the U.S. Senate amid signs Americans are more willing to accept limited restrictions after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
GENEVA: The UN's human rights chief called on the United States to bring in "robust gun regulation" in order to prevent the kind of mass killing seen in Orlando, Florida over the weekend.
WASHINGTON: Barack Obama might seem an unlikely investor in the firearms industry. But the U.S. president, a fierce advocate for gun regulation, has money in a pension fund that holds stock in gun and ammunition companies.
WASHINGTON: Wiping back tears as he remembered children killed in a mass shooting, President Barack Obama on Tuesday ordered stricter gun rules that he can impose without Congress and urged American voters to reject pro-gun candidates.
OREGON: The 26-year-old gunman behind America's latest mass shooting hoarded an arsenal of weapons, authorities said, describing him as a loner with a gripe against religion.