In his tweet on Sunday, Bilawal Bhutto dubbed Modi as the “butcher of Gujarat who has become the butcher of Kashmir.”
He stated that the world must act together for stop the brutalities being carried out by Indian forces in the disputed territory. He said that Modi cannot lecture Pakistan on terrorism, without addressing the atrocities in Kashmir.
The butcher of Gujarat has become butcher of Kashmir and wants to lecture us on terrorism? world must work together to stop this tyrant.
— BilawalBhuttoZardari (@BBhuttoZardari) September 25, 2016
Earlier he had added that people of both Pakistan and India want peace.
No matter what nonstate actors do, no matter what our media wants,no matter what politicians say, people of #India & #Pakistan want #peace! — BilawalBhuttoZardari (@BBhuttoZardari) September 23, 2016