The Bharatiya Janta Party government on Thursday registered a case against Avi Dandiya, a former BJP member, who revealed Indian government’s involvement in Pulwama attack.
Last week, Dandiya had released an audio clip, exposing the BJP hand behind the Feb 14 attack on a convoy of Central Reserve Police Force in Pulwama district of Indian Occupied Kashmir that killed over 40 personnel.
According to Indian media reports, the New Delhi police have arrested a man associated with Avi Dandiya after registering case against him.
In the video that is making rounds on the various platforms of the social media, Dandiya played an audio recording claiming to be a conference call involving three BJP leaders, including Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh and an unidentified woman.
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In the recording, the woman leader can be heard talking to the other leader about war. “Nothing would happen by martyring one or two soldiers. We did Uri and nothing happened,” she says.
Another other leader replies to her saying that their politics hinges on security of forces.
The woman leader further informs the leaders about carrying out attacks on forces in the occupied Kashmir valley. “If you want we will get the blast done and 5 to 100 soldiers will be killed,” she says.
It may be recalled that Dandiya has announced to release another video in upcoming days.