Pakistani actor Fawad Afzal Khan is well on his way to making friends with Bollywood’s top notch actors. After pictures of Fawad surfaced having a ball at actress Deepika Padukone’s bash with a host of other celebrities, the actor also spent an enjoyable evening with veteran actors and his co-stars Rishi Kapoor and Sidhart Malhotra.
Rishi, who is quite active at micro-blogging site Twitter, tweeted his elation at spending quality time with the cast of Kapoor and Sons.
Filming in Coonoor.Super weather. Thanks Sid and Fawad you guys make me smile.Special thanks to Greg Cannom and Logan Long for making me up
— rishi kapoor (@chintskap) June 7, 2015
Last night we celebrated #kapoorandsons Coonoor. Great guys to work with.Back in Mumbai for the day resume day after
— rishi kapoor (@chintskap) June 9, 2015
Fawad can be seen with Rishi Kapoor and Sidhart Malhotra inside a house, everyone posing with wide smiles. The cast had been busy shooting in Conoor for Fawad, Rishi, Sidhart and Alia Bhatt’s upcoming film Kapoor and Sons. Fawad is currently filming for Kapoor and Sons with Alia BHatt, Sidhart Malhotra and Rishi Kapoor. The young Pakistani actor has signed another film, in which he will reportedly romance Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra in the upcoming Mr.Chaloo. Fawad will also share screen space with his Khoobsurat co-star Sonam Kapoor in Battle for Bhitora.
Not only has Fawad made a name for himself in a very, very short span of time but he has also made fast friends pretty soon with some of B-town’s most respectable actors and actresses.