Two major power breakdowns hit the country on Jan 15 and Jan 22. In the first electricity outage, the power breakdown hit Punjab and Khyber Pakhtonkhwa due to tripping at Mangla Power House.
While on Jan 22, the electricity breakdown affected industries as machines stopped working and production was affected. Even the National Assembly was without electricity, due to which the session was postponed for a while. According to details, the breakdown was caused since Guddu power plant’s main transmission line had tripped.
The government had appointed Arshad Chaudhry as Managing Director NTDC on February 1, 2015.
Interestingly, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had suspended his predecessor MD NTDC Tahir Mehmood and General Manager National Power Control Centre (NPCC) Muhammad Saleem for failure to take timely measures to avert country wide power blackout across the country on January 24, 2015.