Burka Avenger is Pakistan’s first ever full length animated TV series. The show features Jiya as the inspirational school teacher and her alter ego, the super-heroine Burka Avenger. Her use of books and pens as projectile weapons is symbolic on many levels.
Burka Avenger fights for Justice, Peace and Education for all.
Major awards and accolades won by the show include the following:
Peabody Award Winner
Int’l Emmy Nomination
International Gender Equity Prize at Prix Jeunesse, Munich
Asian Media Awards: Best TV Show
Canada International Film Festival: Rising Star Award
Award of Merit – Accolades Global Film Competition
Best Animation (Int’l) – LUMS Int’l Film Festival
Time Magazine: “One of the most Influential Fictional Characters of 2013”
Runner-up – National Innovation Award Pakistan (Art & Design)