Makers IRK films, ARY Films and Arif Lakhani Films on Saturday released the much-awaited trailer of Hareem Farooq starrer “Parchi” in a star studded event at Karachi’s Nueplex cinemas.
As the 2 minute 57 seconds trailer suggests, the movie starring Hareem Farooq, Ali Rehman Khan, Ahmed Ali Akbar , Usman Mukhtar , Shafqat Cheema is a fun filled drama with all the necessary ingredients to keep audiences hooked to their seats.
The story seems to revolve around the ‘Parchi’ system in Pakistan – local gangsters issuing parchi to businesses to ask them for money. The sensitive topic has been touched without any serious undertones, so that people can understand and enjoy the movie.
Hareem sizzles in almost every scene in the trailer and the two songs are beautifully filmed with “Madam Saab” stealing hearts with her every move.
Needless the say, ‘Billo Hai’ will be the top wedding song of year 2018 and you will be hearing it at every Mehndi.
“Our vision was to make a movie on a unique concept that has all the essential elements in it. Parchi has comedy, action, music and a pinch of romance which makes it a complete package,” stated Imran RazaKazmi, the producer of the movie.
“After receiving such an over-whelming response to the trailer, I can’t wait for the audiences to see the movie. I have done a very different character in this movie and I loving the feedback so far,” stated, Hareem Farooq, the co-producer of Parchi.
“The entire team of Parchi has worked really hard to make Parchi possible. The dedication and hard-work of the entire team can be seen in the trailer itself. We hope the audiences enjoy the movie,” shared Arif Lakhani, the third co-producer of the movie.
Jerjees Seja, CEO ARY Digital Network and Co-Producer said, “ARY Films has always believed in the movies released under its banner. We have high expectations from Parchi as it not only has an amazing cast, but an excellent director and story-line.”
So, the fans finally spoke after watching the full trailer and all thought the movie and its music will be a hit.
The story has been written by Shafqat Khan, who has already made his mark as a theatre play writer, and directed by Azfar Jafri, who also directed IRK Films previous movie, Janaan.
The movie will finally be released on January 5, 2018.