Sattu Katla police arrested the group of nine hackers in a raid from PIA Society area. The police said hackers were involved in blackmailing people, by hacking their online accounts and credit cards, not only within country but abroad as well.
Guru of the group, Haider Ali was also arrested, while 21 laptops and more than a dozen mobile phones were recovered from their position.
Police investigation is underway and more realities would be revealed once probe gets complete.
This should be noted that Pakistan People’s Party website was hacked on Sunday by a group calling itself ‘CyberHaxors’. The hackers had defaced the website with a message against former president Asif Ali Zardari and chairman Bilawal Bhutto.
The site displayed a picture of Zardari with a stamp of ‘PWNED’ on it. The statement written on the website started with “Mr Ex President. You are most probably the most corrupt person in Pakistan right now…”