ISLAMABAD: Minister for Power Omar Ayub Khan said on Saturday the government is making all out efforts to end load shedding across the country.
In a tweet, he said special teams have been fighting power thieves and urged the people to help the government check power theft and pay bills on time to get uninterrupted power supply.
In another tweet, he said after ensuring uninterrupted power supply in the holy month of Ramazan and during Eid holidays by removing local faults, less than twenty percent feeders will be subjected to load management from today onward.
The minister said there is zero load shedding on eighty per cent feeders and load shedding on twenty per cent is being carried out due to electricity theft.
اس ضمن میں ہماری سپیشل ٹیمیں چوری کے خلاف برسرپیکار ہیں اگرآپ کےعلاقے میں چند گھنٹوں کی اعلانیہ لوڈمنیجمنٹ ہےتو آپ سے اپیل ہے کہ بجلی چوروں کے خلاف ہمارا ساتھ دیں بل بروقت ادا کریں تاکہ آپکا علاقہ بھی بلا تعطل بجلی فراہمی علاقہ بنے ان شاءاللہ #تبدیلی_کا_سفر ہم اپ ایک ساتھ
— Omar Ayub Khan (@OmarAyubKhan) June 8, 2019
Earlier, on June 5, Prime Minister Imran Khan had congratulated the power minister and Secretary Irfan Ali on launching a crackdown against electricity thieves and working towards removing bottlenecks in the power transmission.
“Want to congratulate Omar Ayub and Secretary Irfan Ali for the way they went after the electricity thieves and worked on removing bottlenecks in the electricity transmission – thus allowing Pakistanis the luxury of having the first load shedding-free Ramazan,” he tweeted.