Previously, Bollywood circles were abuzz with gossip that actor Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput would be making her debut on the silver screen. The movie in question was AK vs SK, which is directed by Vikramaditya Motwane (director of Lootera). However, Shahid Kapoor spoke to media and put all the rumour mills to a rest.
Shahid Kapoor’s spokesman denied the rumours and said that Mira Rajput would not be making her debut in AK vs SK.
For the movie AK vs SK, Shahid Kapoor will be in the lead role. This is the first film that the Bollywood actor has signed right after his marriage and shooting for the film has already commenced a few days ago. After Shahid’s beautiful spouse was seen hitting the gym with her husband, people started insinuating that she was about to make her debut in Bollywood.
The speculations were further spiked when Mira Rajput was spotted with a famous choreographer named Bosco Martis, but it just turned out to be another false rumour. It was later revealed that the choreographer was just good friends with Shahid Kapoor.
Shahid Kapoor’s denial might have broken many hearts around the world, as the couple have ignited a desire among fans to see Mira Rajput in Bollywood. Who know, the wife just might make an on-screen presence anytime soon!