Venus: often dubbed "Earth's twin" due to their similar size and proximity to the Sun, holds a captivating allure for scientists. Though shrouded in...
LAHORE: Caretaker Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting and Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Solangi said on Wednesday that climatic disaster was one of the biggest challenges...
PARIS: It could be raining diamonds on planets throughout the universe, scientists suggested Friday, after using common plastic to recreate the strange precipitation believed...
Research has proven that ants have the ability to distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous cells.
The research uncovered that the ants were not only able...
A study recently published in Current Biology suggests that an ancient coronavirus epidemic broke out some 25,000 years ago.
A research team from the University...
Trail-blazing space reproduction research that yielded healthy baby mice produced using freeze-dried sperm stored for years in orbit is showing the possibilities of procreation beyond Earth
Gamers, bitcoin "miners" and companies large and small have teamed up for an unprecedented data-crunching effort that aims to harness idle computing power to accelerate research for a coronavirus treatment.
Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Fawad Chaudhry, has urged for the establishment of a system with a civil-military interface for research purpose.