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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: Rouhani

Iranians must have ‘right to choose’ at polls: Rouhani

Controversy has been raging for the past fortnight, pitting the coalition that supports Rouhani's government against the Guardian Council, which oversees Iran's elections and is dominated by ultra-conservatives.

Iran accuses Europe of yielding to ‘high school bully’ Trump

Iran said on Thursday three European states had succumbed to “high school bully” Donald Trump when they triggered a dispute mechanism in a nuclear pact the U.S. president opposes,

US, Iran draw back from brink but new threats show crisis not over

Each side’s next move in their protracted shadow war was uncertain, although Iranian generals resumed their habitual barrage of warnings to Washington.

Iran arrests eight ‘linked to American CIA’

Officials in Iran have confirmed five people were killed and so far announced about 500 arrests, including of some 180 "ringleaders".

Seek to facilitate talks between Iran and KSA to resolve differences: PM Khan

President of Iran Hassan Rouhani officially welcomed Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan at Saadabad Palace after his arrival to the country earlier today.

PM Imran’s Gulf peace initiative to be harbinger of peace, tranquility: Awan

SAPM Awan says Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to Iran will prove to be a forerunner to peace and security in the Gulf region.

PM Imran arrives in Iran, slated to meet Rouhani, Khamenei

Prime Minister Imran Khan arrived on an official one-day visit to Tehran on a mission to promote and mediate peace and discuss security situation of gulf regions.

Iran’s Rouhani warns Macron of looming nuclear step

President Hassan Rouhani spoke with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Saturday, warning him Iran would take the next step in reducing its nuclear commitments unless Europe lives up to its own undertakings.

Iran’s Rouhani says no talks with U.S. until sanctions lifted

Iran will not talk to the United States until all sanctions imposed on Tehran are lifted, President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday, a day after President Donald Trump said he would meet his Iranian counterpart to try to end a nuclear standoff.

Rouhani says Iran ready to talk to US if sanctions lifted

Confrontations between Washington and Tehran have escalated, culminating in a plan for U.S. air strikes on Iran last month that Trump called off at the last minute.

Iran to boost uranium enrichment level, breaching nuclear pact: Rouhani

Iran will boost its uranium enrichment after July 7 to whatever levels it needs beyond the cap set in the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday, defying U.S. efforts to force Tehran to renegotiate the pact.

Iran ‘never seeks war’ with US, says Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani said Iran "never seeks war" with the US, state media reported Wednesday amid a spike in tensions between the two countries.

Pakistan will not allow to use its soil against anyone: PM Khan

'Pakistan and Iran suffered alot due to insurgency in Afghanistan'

Rouhani slams US against pressurising Iraq to maintain distance from Iran

Rouhani, who is on his first trip to Iraq since becoming president in 2013, hailed his country's "special" ties with its neighbour.

Iran presents budget to counter ‘cruel’ US sanctions

TEHRAN: President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday unveiled Iran's first annual budget since the return of US sanctions, saying it had been adjusted to take...

Rouhani stresses for greater cooperation between Pakistan, Iran

ISLAMABAD: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday stressed for greater cooperation between Pakistan and Iran in diverse fields including trade, commerce, energy and security. He...

Europe support against US ‘rare victory’ for Iran: Rouhani

TEHRAN: President Hassan Rouhani said Saturday that the divisions between the US and Europe over renewed sanctions on Iran were a "rare historical victory"...

Russia, Turkey, Iran fail to agree on ceasefire for Syria’s Idlib

The presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia failed to agree on a ceasefire that would forestall a Syrian government offensive in rebel-held Idlib province.

US toughens stance on Iran, lists sweeping demands

WASHINGTON: The United States on Monday demanded Iran make sweeping changes -- from dropping its nuclear program to pulling out of the Syrian civil...

Trump decision on Iran is ‘psychological warfare’: Rouhani

TEHRAN: US President Donald Trump's decision on Tuesday to pull out of the nuclear deal is an act of "psychological warfare" against Iran, President...