The makers of the Bollywood movie “Sanam Teri Kasam,” starring Harshvandhan Rane and Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane are reportedly working on a sequel to...
LAHORE: Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane recently revealed in an interview that she was receiving numerous offers from Bollywood directors to star in a movie.
Bollywood actress Mawra Hocane said in a recent interview that she was the youngest Pakistani actress to set foot in India and that she was also a hopeless romantic.
Seems like India has been completely bowled over by Mawra Hocane's charm as the latest song from her film 'Sanam Teri Kasam' titled 'Tera Chehra' became a sensation.
Mawra Hocane might be a debutante as far as Bollywood is concerned, but she looks all set to pull off a good performance in Sanam Teri Kasam, her upcoming Indian movie.