'Shaitaan' starring Ajay Devgn, R. Madhavan, Jyothika, Anngad Raaj and Janki Bodiwala released on Netflix on May 4. The plot revolves around a family's...
Bollywood actor R. Madhavan opened up about playing the villain in the upcoming film 'Shaitaan' which also stars Ajay Devgn and Jyothika Saravanan in leading roles.
Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn, who will share the screens with A-listers R. Madhavan and Jyotika Saravanan in the upcoming horror film 'Shaitaan', recalled his experience with paranormal activities.
The trailer of the upcoming Indian thriller film 'Shaitaan (Devil)' - starring Ajay Devgn, R. Madhavan, Janki Bodiwala and Jyothika Saravanan in leading roles, has won social media.