India on Thursday said it will impose a licensing requirement for imports of laptops, tablets and personal computers with immediate effect, a move that...
Merck's experimental oral drug for COVID-19, molnupiravir, reduced by around 50% the chance of hospitalization or death for patients at risk of severe disease,...
LONDON: Britain tightened airline security on flights from Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa on Tuesday, banning laptops and tablet computers from the...
CALIFORNIA: Google Inc unveiled its new Nexus phones on Tuesday in its latest attempt to take a bite out of Apple's dominant share of the smartphone market.
SAN FRANCISCO: Figures released on Thursday by International Data Corporation showed that the global tablet market continued to slump in the recently ended quarter.
NEW YORK: Seeking to extend its range of secure mobile devices, BlackBerry Ltd said on Saturday it was launching a high-security tablet, developed with International Business Machines Corp and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc will delay the start of production on a larger, 12.9-inch iPad until around September because of problems involving the display panel supply, said a report by Bloomberg News citing people familiar with the company's plans as saying.
Apple Inc sued Ericsson alleging that the Swedish company's LTE wireless technology patents are not essential to industry cellular standards and that it is demanding excessive royalties for these patents.
HELSINKI: Finland's Nokia launched a new brand-licensed tablet computer on Tuesday which is designed to rival Apple's iPad Mini, just six months after the company sold its ailing phones and devices business to Microsoft for over $7 billion.
SAN FRANCISCO: With the global tablet computer market showing signs of cooling, Apple's expected unveiling of its new iPads Thursday looks to shore up its position at the high end.