In a unique incident, a bride in India refused to enter the wedding hall because the song which she requested for her bridal entry into the wedding venue was not played.
In the video making rounds on social media, the bride along with her friends, siblings and cousins can be seen about to make entry into the wedding venue, but suddenly stops and refused to walk further because her requested song for the bridal entry was not played.
The video was shared by a wedding photography page on Instagram with the caption, “Watch the video to know why the bride didn’t want to enter the venue. Brides to be don’t forget to get your bridal entry song ready to avoid last-minute mishaps.”
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At a point, she even gets emotional after trying to say again and again that she had requested earlier about her bridal entry song.
The video since shared has garnered over 17K likes and tons of comments where some people supported the bride for her actions and others slammed by calling her a ‘drama queen’.