WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature in the beta version of its messaging application. Users now have the ability to utilize QR codes for managing channels, which may enhance the speed of accessing pertinent information.
This new functionality is currently available to beta users, offering a more efficient way to search for channels. Rather than relying solely on text-based searches, WhatsApp users can now scan a QR code to quickly access a specific group. Additionally, users can receive invitations to follow channels, as noted by WABetaInfo.
The introduction of QR codes for sharing channel links also presents users with various sharing options, including the ability to include them on printed business cards. This could aid in business development and encourage users to connect via the messaging platform.
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Among the forthcoming features of WhatsApp is chat filtering, which will allow users to organize their conversations based on individual preferences. This anticipated feature is expected to enable users to categorize chats into distinct groups, such as work-related and personal discussions. At present, it remains in the beta testing stage and is accessible to a select group of users.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is set to launch a new image search capability directly within the app. Following the receipt of an image, users will have the option to save, edit, or conduct a web search for additional information about the image. This functionality, akin to Google’s Lens feature, will streamline the process of gathering more details, particularly useful during online shopping.