RAJANPUR: A woman was allegedly sold by her in-laws for Rs 800,000 in Rajanpur in the name of ‘honour’, ARY News reported.
The police took swift action to recover the woman and arrested three suspects. District Police Officer (DPO) said the woman’s husband is abroad for employment and her in-laws committed the heinous act in his absence.
The police intervened and recovered the woman, arresting three suspects. The police have registered a case and are conducting raids to arrest the remaining suspects.
The police said that a case has been registered and three accused have been arrested. It added that raids are being conducted to arrest other suspects at large.
Earlier on May 16, two girls, aged 14 and 12, who were kidnapped from Rawalpindi seven months ago, were recovered from Karachi.
Karachi police said that the girls are cousins and were Kidnapped from Rawalpindi’s Ghaziabad area seven months back.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) South Syed Asad Raza said one of the girls was recovered from the Defence area of Karachi on May 14, while the other was found in a shelter home.
The DIG South said that the 14-year-old girl was brought to the police station by a housemaid who was found on the footpath. He said that when asked, the girl revealed that she is a resident of Ghaziabad.