This natural energy drink from the beehive does wonders for your health you might not be aware of! Read on to know about the various health benefits of honey.
Yes, honey is sweet and a delight for your taste buds! When added to dishes or juicy drinks, it has the ability to enrich it with an exotic taste if perfection. However, many properties of honey take care of your allergies and refine your health to an unbelievably wonderful extent!
So let’s go through a couple of health benefits and remedies a healthy dose of honey provides us with!
- Sharpen your memory with honey!
Antioxidants in honey help to prevent cell damage and cellular loss within the brain. This helps to boost your memory and make your thoughts, decisions clearer. Also, honey’s startling ability to absorb calcium aids in thought process and decision making. As a result, after consuming adequate amounts of honey as part of your diet on a regular basis, you’ll be doing your brain and memory a favor!
- Honey for insomniacs!
If you’re a victim of insomnia and find it hard to doze off at night, have a spoonful of honey! Honey impacts the body in a way similar to sugar; it causes the release of insulin, which in turn causes the release of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for a brighter mood and uplifting spirits. Your body converts serotonin into melatonin, a compound which regulates the amount and length of sleep. So, if a sound sleep is what you’re craving for at the moment, indulge in rich honey before bedtime!
3. Honey to rid yourself from soars and burns!
You guessed it! Honey provides you benefit internally as it protects you from allergies and brings about a positive change in arming the body with strengths and vital minerals. However, honey’s benefits also extends to physical healing as it can be used to treat any sores or unfortunate burns that your skin acquires. Honey has been used for over 2,000 years as a treatment medicine to cure rashes and burns (notably by the Egyptians).
4. Honey cures coughs!
Yes, honey also has the ability to suppress your coughs and provide you with a smooth, soothing throat. This happens due to the thick coating of honey which settles down the throat and proves as a curing agent. The sweetness contained in the honey helps to join nerve endings which cure the throat and restore it to its original healed state.
5. A natural energizer
Yes, honey is supplied with natural doses of glucose and fructose which help to supply the blood with proper sugar intakes. The energy level is then boosted as the body becomes invigorated and is able to perform functions more efficiently. During intense workout sessions, honey can provide the body with much needed energy in order to prevent exhaustion and dehydration.