Mawra Hocane is all set to transcend onto the silver screen with a bang, as her debut Bollywood flick Sanam Teri Kasam will release across cinemas on February 5, 2016. In order to promote her film, Mawra answered a couple of questions regarding herself mostly and also discussed her movie a little bit.
The actress was asked about her first date and her answer no doubt, was very cute. According to the actress, she had taken all three friends of hers along.
“It was the time when we thought that if we went with our friends, it wold be a more decent date. So I went with four of my friends, and he went with three of his. It was very cute.”
Mawra also revealed who her favourite person in the entire world was. And for those of you who don’t know it yet, it was Urwa, her sister.
“She’s the best part of my life,” she exclaimed.
Mawra also revealed how she had earned her first paycheck at the age of 13 years old. According to her, she had shopped all eight thousand rupees away, and it was ‘heaven’.
Hocane also disclosed how she had a crush on Portuguese football superstar Christiano Ronaldo, labeling him as ‘super hot’. When it came to expressing her ambitions and what she wants to achieve in life, this is what the actress said,”I want to win all the debut awards this year.”
Oh and just in case you’re wondering, there’s nothing in this world that can scare the Pakistani actress. “There’s nothing in the world that I can’t face,” she said.
Mawra is one interesting person, we’ll give her that!