Actor Nawal Saeed recalled a fan encounter at the airport when she was mistaken for former actor and celebrity wife, Naimal Khawar.
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In a recent chat show outing on a private news channel, Nawal Saeed shared an embarrassing yet sweet meeting with an elderly fan, who had a whole conversation with her, thinking she was Naimal Khawar Khan.
“This aunty was so sweet to me and gave so many compliments, about the work as well. And after 5 minutes, she went like, ‘I had really wished to meet Hamza’s [Ali Abbasi] wife’,” Saeed remembered.
The ‘Dil-e-Veeran’ actor continued, “After much embarrassment, I clarified to her that ‘Aunty I’m Nawal, not Naimal’.”
“And she was disappointed that I wasted so much of her time,” she added with a laugh.
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During another segment, Saeed shared that although she is ambitious about her work, she does not want to not get married because of her career. Speaking about the qualities of her ideal life partner, she stated that the person must be honest and loyal and should have a compatibility with her.
“I’m more leaned towards someone’s personality rather than their tangible possessions,” she added.
It should be mentioned here that Saeed is among the most promising new actors in the showbiz industry. She has successful projects including ‘Dil-e-Veeran’ and ‘Faryaad’ to her credit.
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