Each apple among the 1,000 represented a teacher jobless as a result of low spending on public education in the Finger Lakes area. The apples were brought into the capitol all the way from the apple-growing region of Finger Lakes.
The protest, of course, did not go unnoticed by Andrew Cuomo, whose official spokesperson stated that he could not receive the gift as part of a restriction policy on government officials on accepting gifts. The teachers planned to give the apples to a fruit bank. The ‘protest apples’ were stacked in baskets and placed near the governor Cuomo’s office on Friday, as his guard looked on.
The teachers have had a bone to pick with Cuomo’s policies. The New York governor had announced his plan to upgrade invest in education by an amount of $1.1 billion this year but this was deemed as too small an amount. Teachers demanded more investment into public education. Also, Cuomo’s policies on teacher’s tenures and their evaluation did not sit well with educational advocates and teachers, who want these policies revised as well.
The peaceful protest will go a long way in demonstrating to the governor how his policies are not being well received in New York.