A terrifying incident took place with Indian film and TV actor Chhavi Mittal recently, when her hair caught fire on the sets of a project.
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Actor and co-founder of the YouTube channel Shitty Ideas Trending (SIT), Chhavi Mittal faced a scary mishap recently, during the filming of a BTS clip for the channel, when her hair caught fire after coming into contact with an open flame.
The whole video of the moment captured on the camera and released on her YouTube channel, sees her hair burning after it caught fire coming into contact with an open flame from the candle. However, her co-star in the video, Karan V. Grover swiftly came to her rescue and extinguished the flames with bare hands, saving the actor from anything worse.
In her vlog, Mittal also expressed her gratitude towards Grover for coming to her aid.
Sharing the video on her Instagram handle, the actor wrote in the caption, “Accidents happen on the set, but my hair catching fire somehow felt the scariest! I accidentally also captured it on the camera!”
“Also thank you Karan V Grover for saving me by putting it out with your bare hands,” she added, responding to which, he joked, “At first, I thought you’re on fire because you’re hot na, then I realized it was a candle.”
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