ISLAMABAD: Lauding the performance and effectiveness of Pakistan Citizen Portal (PCP), Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday said that the portal application crossed mark of 1.5 million users within 15 months with 92 per cent redressal rate, ARY News reported.
In a tweet, PM Imran Khan termed the results unprecedented in Pakistan and added,” I commend my team for bridging the gap between citizens and government departments.”
PM Citizen Portal application crosses mark of 1.5 mn users within 15 mths, with 92% resolution of public complaints. This result is unprecedented in Pak & I commend my team for bridging the gap between citizens & govt depts. This is actual citizens’ empowerment. #PCP #PMhazirHay
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) March 5, 2020
He maintained, “This is actual citizens’ empowerment.”
Read More: Pakistan Citizen Portal resolved over 1.5 million complaints, Senate told
Earlier on February 11, the federal government had resolved over 1.5 million complaints in response to over 1.7 million complaints registered with the Pakistan Citizen Portal.
The details had been submitted by the Prime Minister Office in its written reply to Senate.
According to the details, overall 1,71,1059 complaints were registered with the citizen portal during the period from October 2018 to 23 January 2020. The portal had resolved 1,557,000 complaints leaving behind a backlog of 156,352 complaints.