Even after breaking up, Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone continued to stay cordial with each other. Not only that but the two starred in their smash-hit 2013 film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. And now, they’re going to be seen on the silver screen with their latest upcoming project Tamasha, also directed by Imtiaz Ali.
Recently, Ranbir had commented that Deepika was a flirt and the latter had also said that she still continued to love Ranbir Kapoor and that he was a prominent part of her life. However, before fans and everyone else got to speculating if the two were falling in love all over again, the Kapoor scion was quick to dismiss any such possibility.
“We are friends, and yes, I love her! I can’t say I hate her. But things CANNOT go back to what they were 7 years back,” said Ranbir about the possibility of both of them getting back together.
Ranbir and Deepika were one of the most talked-about couples in Bollywood, seven years ago when they started dating each other. Never did they hide their relationship or avoid the press while they were going out with each other. However, their relationship soon ended and both also readily accepted that in front of the world.
Well there you go. For all fans of the two Bollywood actors, the possibility of them dating again will not happen, according to Ranbir. Deepika is believed to be in a relationship with her Bajirao Mastani star Ranveer Singh and Ranbir is said to be in a serious relationship with Katrina Kaif.
Tamasha releases on November 27, 2015.