Advisor to Punjab Chief Minister Omar Sarfraz Cheema said Monday that the joint investigation team (JIT) on the Imran Khan attack case will submit the probe and forensic report to the court soon, ARY News reported.
Omar Sarfraz Cheema said in a statement that he has already informed the media regarding the progress of the probe into the Imran Khan attack case a few days ago.
He said that the probe reports stated that Imran Khan and PTI marchers had been stormed by the attackers from three sides. He added that the arms of Khan’s security guards were cleared in the forensic report.
Cheema said that Faisal Vawda should appear before the JIT instead of the media.
جے آئی ٹی جلد اپنی تحقیقات اور فرانزک رپورٹ عدالت میں جمع کروائے گی
تحقیقات کے دوران غیر مصدقہ رپورٹس کو بنیاد بنا کر رپورٹنگ کرنا حقائق کو مسخ کرنے کے مترادف اور غیر قانونی ہے
اب تک کی تحقیقات جو بھی مصدقہ حقائق اور اطلاعات ملیں چند روز پہلے خود میڈیا کو مطلع کر چکا ہوں
— Omar Sarfraz Cheema (@OmarCheemaPTI) January 2, 2023
It is pertinent to mention here that Imran Khan and several other PTI leaders were injured after a man opened fire near the PTI reception camp at Allahwala Chowk during party’s long march.
According to details, unidentified assailants opened fire on PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s container near the Allahwala Chowk in Wazirabad, injuring six people and killing one.