A murder incident was reported from India’s Telangana state where a man brutally killed his wife and throw his one-and-a-half-month-old son into the water tank.
The man namely Dhanraj married a woman namely Lavanya a few years ago. The couple has a three years old daughter Aadiya and a one-and-a-half-month-old son.
According to Indian media, Dhanraj attacked Lavanya with an axe soon after entering the house this afternoon after which the victim died on the spot due to severe injuries on her neck.
The three-year-old daughter Aadiya seeing her mother being attacked with an axe got scared and ran outside of the house, while Dhanraj then threw the one-and-a-half-month-old baby into the water tank.
After this brutal incident, a wave of fear was raised among the local people.