A mysterious ancient city has just been found some time ago off the coast of the tiny nation of Micronesia.
massive stone tomb buried beneath foliage in the long-abandoned city Nan Madol may have been built for the first chief of the island of Pohnpei.
The remote island of Pohnpei is home to the archaeological site of Nan Madol, yet very little is known about the area and the ruins that reside there.
The city appears to be sit on top of a lagoon and consists of a series of canals and large stone walls.
Studies published by Research Gate show that the complex could date back to the first or second century AD but little has still yet to be verified about Nan Madol.
Images of the site can still clearly be seen via Google Earth.
Last year, FOX News published a report stating that the site could date back to around 1180.
This was after a team of researchers lead by Mark McCoy of the Southern Methodist University in Texas analysed findings on the island.
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