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Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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The Time for Indifference is Over: Pakistan Army Must Act Against Terrorists in Balochistan


DJ Kamal Mustafa
DJ Kamal Mustafa
DJ Kamal Mustafa is a filmmaker, musician and DJ. He contributes to leading news organisations with his writings on current affairs, politics and social issues.

Two days ago, yet another horrific act of violence shook the heart of Balochistan. Innocent lives were snuffed out, families were torn apart, and the province was once again plunged into a state of despair. The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and their sympathizers have once again proven their utter disregard for human life, their relentless pursuit of a cause that has long lost its moral compass.

At the time of writing this piece, I have learned through federal cabinet meeting chaired by the prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Shehbaz Sharif said that neither negotiations nor a conciliatory approach will be made in dealing with the enemy. It is now time to eradicate terrorism decisively. We will equip our armed forces with all available resources to achieve this goal. The era of terrorism must come to an end.

The news from Balochistan is nothing short of a national tragedy. It seems that every day brings with it a fresh horror, a new wave of violence that shatters the fragile peace that has long eluded this beleaguered province. Since Sunday night, the province has been plunged into a state of chaos. A series of coordinated attacks by the terrorists of BLA has claimed the lives of over 70 people, including innocent civilians, security personnel, and the terrorists themselves. From the chilling execution of 23 travelers in Musakhail to the brazen assault on an FC camp in Bela, these attacks have demonstrated a level of brutality that is truly shocking.

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The scale of this violence is unprecedented. This is the most widespread assault on Balochistan in years. It is a clear and present danger to Pakistan’s sovereignty and security. The military and law enforcement agencies have responded to these attacks with commendable courage and determination. They have engaged in fierce firefights with the militants, killing 21 of them in clearance operations. However, the cost of this operation has been high. Ten soldiers and four LEAs personnel have been martyred in the line of duty.

But this is not enough. This is not a fight for freedom or justice; it is a campaign of terror, fueled by a desire for power and control. The BLA has become a scourge on Balochistan, a menace that threatens to tear the province apart. Their indiscriminate attacks on civilians, their targeting of security forces, and their relentless pursuit of a separatist agenda are a direct threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty and stability. It is time for decisive action. The Pakistan Army, the nation’s bulwark against extremism, must take the lead in eradicating this menace. The time for half-measures and appeasement is over.

The BLA and its sympathizers must be hunted down, brought to justice, and dealt with the full force of the law. The BLA’s destruction of mobile towers, gas pipelines, and roads is a deliberate attempt to cripple Balochistan’s development and isolate its people. They want to create a climate of fear and chaos, to undermine the government’s efforts to improve the lives of the Baloch people.

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It’s a sickening disgrace. Twenty-three innocent lives, ripped from their families by the barbaric Baloch Liberation Army (BLA). These were people from Punjab, traveling through Balochistan, their lives cut short by a ruthless terrorist organization. Yet, where are the voices of so-called Baloch rights activists? Where is the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC)? Where is Mahrang Baloch?

Are they too busying playing politics to condemn such a heinous act? Are they so blinded by their own agenda that they can’t see the humanity in others? These were not soldiers, not militants, but ordinary people, going about their lives, murdered in cold blood. The BLA has been terrorizing Balochistan for years, sowing seeds of division and hatred. They’ve killed countless innocent civilians, including Baloch themselves. But these so-called advocates for Baloch rights seem more concerned with their own political ambitions than with the suffering of the people they claim to represent.

If you truly care about Balochistan, then stand up against terrorism in all its forms. Condemn the BLA’s atrocities. Demand justice for the victims. But don’t play lip service to human rights while remaining silent in the face of such a horrific tragedy.

A Blueprint for Decisive Action: Eradicating Balochistan’s Terrorist Menace

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and other militant groups operating in the province have become a serious threat to Pakistan’s security. Their indiscriminate attacks on civilians, security forces, and infrastructure have caused widespread suffering and instability. It is imperative that the Pakistan Army develop a comprehensive and effective strategy to counter these terrorist organizations.

Intelligence-Led Operations:

Enhanced Surveillance: The Army should invest heavily in advanced surveillance technology to monitor the activities of BLA militants and their sympathizers. This includes drones, satellite imagery, and human intelligence networks.

Infiltration: Undercover agents should be deployed within the BLA and other militant groups to gather intelligence on their plans, leadership, and support networks.

Cyber Warfare: The Army should leverage its cyber capabilities to disrupt the communication and planning of terrorist organizations. This includes hacking and suspending their social media accounts via regulatory authority of Pakistan, intercepting their messages, and disrupting their online fundraising efforts.

Counter-Propaganda: Combat the BLA’s propaganda efforts through a robust public relations campaign that highlights the government’s efforts to address the province’s problems and the dangers of extremism.

Targeted Strikes:

Precision Bombing: The Army should utilize precision-guided munitions to target the terror leadership, training camps, and weapons caches of terrorist groups. This will minimize civilian casualties and disrupt their operations.

Night Raids: Special forces units such as SSG should conduct night raids on militant hideouts, capturing or killing key leaders and seizing their weapons.

Building Partnerships:

Regional Cooperation: Strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries to counter the cross-border movement of militants and weapons. Share intelligence and coordinate joint operations.

International Support: Seek assistance from the international community, including counter-terrorism organizations and intelligence agencies, to provide technical expertise, training, and equipment.

By combining military force with political and social measures, the Pakistan Army can effectively dismantle the BLA and other militant groups. This will not be an easy task nonetheless impossible, but it is essential for restoring peace and stability to Balochistan and protecting Pakistan’s national security.

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