Salman Khan might be the king of Bollywood and rule millions of hearts around the world but there seems to be someone who doesn’t like the Bollywood actor at all. Police launched a probe after an anonymous caller threatened to kill Salman Khan. The phone call was made at Mumbai’s Police Control Room on February 16, according to Mumbai police. No case has been registered as of yet but a probe has been launched, though police suspect it could be a hoax call.
Police has managed to find out the place from where the call has been placed to the Police Control Room. Salman Khan has recently released back-to-back hit films Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. Bajrangi Bhaijaan was a critically and commercially successful film that became an instant sensation upon release. The plot of the movie focuses on an Indian man who helps a lost Pakistani deaf and mute girl named Munni.
These days Salman is busy with the shoot of his upcoming movie Sultan in which he plays the role of a wrestler. Anushka Sharma also stars in the movie beside him.