KARACHI: Several areas of Karachi witnessed a major power breakdown on Tuesday after a high-tension transmission line tripped, affecting the power supply to metropolis, ARY News reported.
According to details, power supply to several areas were suspended after grid stations in North Karachi, Shadman Town, Aga Khan and Gulshan-e-Maymar were shut down due to the tripping of a high-tension transmission line.
Sources told ARY News that Sarjani Town, Khawaja Ajmer Nagri, Shahnawaz Bhutto Colony and Nagan Chowrangi were among the affected areas.
Power outages were also observed in Shadman Town, Bufferzone, North Nazimabad, New Karachi Gulshan-e-Maymar and Ahsanabad.
The power outage caused severe inconvenience to the people in the scorching hot weather.
Sources within the K-Electric (KE) confirmed to ARY News that “power supply to Karachi’s areas is suspended due to tripping of high-tension line.”
Meanwhile, he said, the company has started work on grid stations and electricity will be restored soon.
Last month, a similar incident took place when several areas of Karachi faced power outages after K-Electric’s extra high-tension lines tripped in Sindh’s Jamshoro district.
As many as 18 grid stations and 621 feeders were shut down due to the tripping in the extra high-tension wires.
However, K-Electric, the utility company responsible for electricity supply in the metropolis, said that limited power supply was affected in Karachi due to a disruption in connection from NTDC.