In an interview with Indian newspaper The Times Of India, Sunny said, “I can’t change people’s perception, unfortunately, because I can’t erase the internet. But I hope that as I meet each new person, I change that person’s perception and how they see me as a person, a brand and an actress.
She continues, “There wasn’t a plan of how to change people’s perceptions. I still don’t believe that I can do that on my own. It’s actually the media that can do it. Because when they stop putting that tag right in front of my name, that’s when the public will forget about it as well. So as soon as the media deletes those two words, my fans will also delete it from their mind.”
Leone said it’s all about trying to get people to take me seriously. I think there are a lot of people — companies, production houses, maybe actors and actresses — who see me as somebody who is here today and will be gone tomorrow.
“I don’t want that. I wanna be here. I wanna stay here. I want people to take me seriously. I do believe that after each movie releases, a little bit of that might change, hopefully, if people like my acting or they like the movie. Because that’s what it is gonna come down to,” she added.