Guardians of the Galaxy actor Dave Bautista is Scarlett Johansson's first Marvel costar to react to her lawsuit against Disney over the release of her...
"The Irishman," Martin Scorsese's three-and-a-half-hour gangster epic, and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," Quentin Tarantino's nostalgic love letter to 1960s Tinseltown, were hot on its heels with five each.
“Jojo Rabbit,” which Waititi wrote, directed and in which he plays a ridiculous Hitler, combines dark, absurdist humor with a serious plea for tolerance as an antidote to hate.
A film starring Scarlett Johansson’s Marvel Cinematic Universe character has been rumored for the past few years, but that rumor now seems much closer...
LOS ANGELES: American actress Scarlett Johansson filed for divorce from French journalist Romain Dauriac in New York this week and asked for full custody...
PARIS: Hollywood superstar Scarlett Johansson swapped the red carpet for a turn behind the counter at her new popcorn shop in Paris on Saturday.
LOS ANGELES: "Avengers: Age of Ultron" scored the second-biggest domestic opening in history this weekend, kicking off summer blockbuster season with a mammoth $187.7 million debut.
LOS ANGELES: "Avengers" superhero actors Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans apologized Thursday for calling co-star Scarlett Johansson's character in the blockbuster movie a "slut," saying it was just a tasteless joke.