An alien hunter has been left spell bound by photos showing an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering over a forest as the best seen in almost 40 years.
Investigators determined that each landing gear would have weighed 25 kilos but the researchers believed the UFO was much heavier and it did not put all its weight into the soft ground.
Scientists tracked the reddish-coloured ‘Oumuamua from Oct. 14, 2017, until Jan. 2, 2018, after which it became too faint to detect even using the most powerful telescopes
Ecstatic over the video's popularity over the internet Darren continued: “The amazing thing was the weather was calm all around except for this one cloud - otherwise the weather was still and clear."
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Kevin Knuth, who is now...
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Many conspiracy theorists went into a frenzy online after bizarre footage emerged on Google Earth which shows what appears to be an alien spaceship.
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Village residents in south-west Ukraine were baffled and left fearing an alien invasion when strange lights appeared in the sky.
The bizarre spots raised UFO...