Veteran Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor said he thought his career was over when he was slapped multiple times by fellow actors Kader Khan and Aruna Irani while working in the 1983 film “Mawaali“.
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Shakti Kapoor, the father of fellow actor Shraddha Kapoor, appeared as a guest on the Indian talk show The Kapil Sharma Show. The actor recalled him wanting to play the main hero after getting tired of playing negative characters.
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“I did my first comedy film ‘Satte Pe Satta‘ with Paintal,” he said. “It was a really great film so when Raj Sippy approached me for a comedy role I was like my villainous roles are being appreciated then why does he want me to be a comedian?
“After that, I did a film called ‘Mawaali‘. When I was giving my first shot in the film Kader Khan slapped me and I fell on the ground, then in the second shot Aruna Irani slapped me and I fell on the ground, the third time too the same happened.”
He said that he thought his career was done, adding that he approached Kader Khan, who was also a part of the film, and asked him to book his ticket and was disassociating himself from the project.
The veteran star recalled that Mawaali’s action director Veeru Devgan advise him to stay on board with the project as the slaps would earn him recognition proved true.
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“Then Veeru Devgan who was the fight master in the film took me aside and said I have watched this film and if you need to get slapped, then get slapped, but don’t leave. Once the film releases you will get recognised for the role and the same happens. When ‘Mawaali‘ released it was a major hit and my character was appreciated,” he said.
He opened up about giving up his wishes to be a hero and sticking to comedy roles as they are heroes also.
“Everyone wishes to be a hero and I too had the same dream. I did ‘Zakhmee Insaan‘ as the hero but unfortunately the film didn’t work well. If a person is successful in doing comedy then he is a hero and if a person is successful in making an impact with a negative character then he is a hero too,” the actor said.