The 29-year-old actress has already starting arrangements for it and has said she wants to do as much as she can to protect tiger from becoming extinct.
Zareen said that she loves tigers and feels that it is one of the most beautiful animals. However, it is rather sad that there are few of them left in the world now.
So she has told her team to get in touch with the right people and understand the procedure for adoption. She said that she is just trying her bit to protect the animal from extinction.
This does not mean that she will actually get own the tiger, but will also bear part of the expenses for the food and medical necessities of the animal, as it cannot be kept for domestic purposes.
Zareen is rather excited and said that they are trying to get in touch with various zoo authorities to know the procedure. She has also thought of a name for the tiger.
This is not the first time an actor has adopted a tiger as previously even Priyanka Chopra adopted a tigress which was named Durga.