Yango, the renowned international tech company is proud to announce the entry of its ride-hailing service into the bustling city of Karachi. Following its...
The shift will save Careem a lot in real estate costs, though, it says the inspiration behind it is to pioneer the future of work in the wake of pandemic forced lockdown.
Karachi: Two high-performing global brands have announced a collaboration that will benefit ride-hailing services and their customers during these challenging times caused by the...
Effects of the persistent global lockdowns have started showing, one of the world's biggest online cab-hailing service has decided to lay off hundreds of its employees
Careem’s board will be overhauled, with three seats going to Uber representatives and two belonging to Careem. Sheikha, who is Careem’s CEO, and Olsson will have board seats
Lyft's private valuation has been estimated at $15 billion, considerably smaller than Uber but making it one of the largest startups worth more than $1 billion, popularly known as "unicorns."
KARACHI: The Government of Sindh has decided to stop online cab services from operations across the province, said Provincial Minister for Transport Awais Shah.
Middle East ride-hailing company Careem said on Thursday it had secured $200 million in new funding from existing investors, including from Saudi Arabian billionaire...
Ride-hailing company Uber is in talks to buy Dubai-based rival Careem for about $2 billion to $2.5 billion, Bloomberg reported here on Monday, citing...
DUBAI: Uber Technologies is in preliminary talks with rival Careem to combine their Middle Eastern ride-hailing services, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday, citing three people...