GUJRANWALA: In a tragic incident, a 65-year-old woman, suffering from a hernia, committed suicide after using her treatment money to pay a hefty electricity...
KARACHI: A shocking and gruesome incident was reported from Karachi, where a man killed his wife before committing suicide inside his home in Malir,...
A 47-year-old migrant worker attempted to commit suicide by hanging himself from window after being stuck at a ‘haunted’ quarantine centre in Andhra Pradesh, India.
GUJRAT: A man committed suicide after killing five members of his family in Punjab's Gujrat district, ARY News reported on Saturday.
A man, Mubashir Butt,...
SRINAGAR: An Indian Army soldier committed suicide by shooting himself with his service rifle in Laam sector along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri...