Malaria remains one of the world’s deadliest diseases. Each year malaria infections result in hundreds of thousands of deaths, with the majority of fatalities...
RIO DI JANERIO: Research by scientists in Brazil indicates that a mosquito more common than the one primarily known to transmit Zika infections may possibly be able to carry the virus, a development that could further complicate efforts to limit its spread.
BOGOTA: The mosquito-borne Zika virus, 'strongly suspected' of links to birth defects in babies in Brazil, has spread to more than 30 countries in the Americas.
RIO DE JANEIRO: Mosquito-borne viruses including Zika, which is feared to cause brain damage in babies, have driven a surge in sales of insect repellent in Brazil, manufacturers say.
GENEVA: The World Health Organization said Tuesday it had created a global unit to respond to the Zika virus, voicing fears the disease blamed for a surge in birth defects in South America could spread across Africa and Asia.
WASHINGTON: US researchers have carried out genetic tweaks to malaria-carrying mosquitoes so their offspring feature genes that block the parasite which causes the disease, opening the way to eradicating it.